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Honeycomb Heather


Heather Honeycomb is a selection of the best honeycomb from our beehives which were moved to the mountains in late summer to forage on Ling Heather. Honeycomb is a delicious treat and tastes wonderful on its own or as an accompaniment to fruit, yoghurt or a cheeseboard. The whole comb can be eaten, the beeswax is lightly chewy. Cut straight from the hive, this honey is as pure as can be.

Weight 180-210g


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Irish Heather Honeycomb, produced in the Comeragh Mountains, Co. Waterford. This honey is pure raw Irish heather honey from our own honeybees. We keep Native Irish Honeybees. As a small, artisan food producer, we produce small batches of exquisite honey. Heather Honeycomb is a selection of the best honeycomb from our beehives. Because it is cut straight from the hive, this honey is as pure as can be.

Flavour and consistency

Our heather honey is dark in colour and has a powerful taste and aroma. Our bees make it from nectar from ling heather, Calluna vulgaris. During the end of summer, we move a select few colonies up to the mountains to forage on the ling blossoms and produce this most sought after honey. Heather honey is jelly-like in consistency and also has tiny air bubbles in it. Because it has a strong woody and floral taste it is delicious with a chunk of cheese and biscuits or with yoghurt and fruit. It is also delicious on its own as a rare treat. Because it is all natural, the whole comb can be eaten, the beeswax is lightly chewy. Heather honey makes a wonderful gift for a honey lover.


Pure raw honey will crystallise naturally. Therefore we recommend keeping your honeycomb frozen until needed to delay crystallisation and then store at room temperature.

Make sure not to overheat the honey, as it will destroy some of the enzymes that are so beneficial in raw honey.

Do not give raw honey to infants under 12 months.

Guaranteed pure Irish honey

Weight 180-210g

Read more about our bees and how we produce our honey here

Like raw Irish honey? Also try our Wildflower honeycomb or our Honey Lover’s Collection containing a selection of our honeys including heather, wildflower and soft set honeys.

Additional information
Weight 180-210 g

200g, 250g

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