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Hanna’s Bees Resellers Ireland & Worldwide

Here you will find a list of all our current shops and resellers in Ireland and around the World.

If you have a shop, either in Ireland or anywhere else in the world, and would like to stock Hanna’s Bees products, please register for a wholesale account.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the Contact Page.

Hanna Bäckmo Hanna's Bees with Raw Irish honey
Hanna Bäckmo, Hanna’s Bees with Raw Irish honey

Cork City

The Roughty Fruit King, The English Market. facebook.com/TheRoughtyFruitKing

The Quay-Co-op, Sullivan’s Quay, Cork City. quaycoop.com

The Good Food Shop, The English Market. instagram.com/goodfoodshop_englishmarket

Kilkenny Design Shop, 14 Emmett Place, Cork City. kilkennydesign.com

Bradley’s, North Main Street, Cork City. bradleysofflicence.ie

Unbound, 5 Bridge street. unbound.ie

Cork County

Ballymaloe Cookery School, Shanagarry. ballymaloecookeryschool.ie

Forest & Flock, 10 New St, Bantry P75 NF84. forestandflock.ie

2PointRd, Crosshaven. croninspub.ie

Susan Herlihy Ceramics & Artisan Gift Gallery, Coach Horse Lane, The Square, Midleton, P25 C982. susanherlihyceramics.com

Fota House & Gardens, Fota Island, Carrigtwohill. fotahouse.com

Urru, Mc Swiney Quay, Bandon. urru.ie

The Quay Co-op, Main Street, Carrigaline. quaycoop.com

Batavia Furniture & Gifts, Rathealy Road, Fermoy. bataviafurniture.ie

Little Green Dot, 15 Ashe Street, Clonakilty. greendotdesignshop.com

Well & Good Natural Health Store, Broderick Street, Midleton. corkhealthstore.com

The Olive Branch & Twig Refill, Spiller’s Lane, Clonakilty. theolivebranch.ie

Grey Heron, Bridge Street, Bandon. greyheronwestcork.ie

CarePlus Pharmacy, East Gate Village, Little Island. facebook.com/LittleIslandCarePlusPharmacy/

O’Herlihy’s Kinsale/OHK Cafe, The Glen, Kinsale. oherlihyskinsale.com

Ballymaloe Shop, Shanagarry. ballymaloeshop.com

Ina Mc Carthy For Flowers, Midleton. inamccarthyforflowers.com

The Collector, 3 Market Lane Kinsale, P17 EK80. www.thecollector.ie


The Good Neighbour,Unit 8 Dundrum Village, Main St, Dublin, D14 ET96. thegoodneighbour.ie

The Design House, The Green Building, 23/34 Temple Lane South, Dublin 2 & 
Belmont Demesne, Lower Windgates Road , Templecarrig Lower, Greystones

Irish Design Shop, 41 Drury Street, Dublin 2. irishdesignshop.com

Brown Thomas, Reuzi @ Brown Thomas, Dundrum Shopping Centre, Dundrum, Dublin 14. brownthomas.com

Small Changes Wholefoods. smallchanges.ie

The Rediscovery Centre, The Boiler House, Ballymun, Dublin 9. rediscoverycentre.ie

Leech Pharmacy, 43 Ranelagh, Dublin 6. miriamleech.com

Brookwood Pottery, 3 Marino Mart, Fairview, D03Y298, Dublin 3. brookwoodpottery.com

McNally Family Farm, Balrickard, Co Dublin. mcnallyfamilyfarm.ie


Michael O’Sullivan and Son, Moore Street, Kilrush. facebook.com/OSullivans-Moore-St-Kilrush

Irish Crafts, Doolin. irishcraftsonline.com

Gran Grans Foods, Main Street Clare H91 F2HD Clare. grangransfoods.ie


Simple Simon’s, The Diamond, Doneagal Town. www.simplesimons.ie

House No 35, 35 Upper Main Street, Buncrana, Co Donegal. www.houseno35.ie


Chou’s Cottage, 6 Grubb’s Court, West Gate, Clonmel. https://chouscottage.com

Galtee Honey, Glengarra Wood, Burncourt, Cahir. galteehoney.com

The Gift Horse Gallery, Horse & Jockey Hotel, Thurles. horseandjockeyhotel.com


Manna Organic Store, Island of Geese, Tralee. mannaorganicstore.ie

Milltown Organic Store, Castlemaine Road, Milltown. facebook.com/MilltownOrganicStore

Nest, 4 Henry Street, Kenmare. nestkenmare.ie


Refillz, Kilcullen Road, Naas East, Co. Kildare W91 HK79. refillz.ie


Rothe House & Gardens, Parliament Street, Kilkenny, R95 P89C. rothehouse.com

St Canice’s Cathedral, The Close, Coach Road, Kilkenny City. stcanicescathedral.ie

Jerpoint Glass, Oldtown, Stoneyford, Co. Kilkenny, R95WN67. jerpointglass.com

Kilkenny Design Centre, The Castle Yard, The Parade, Gardens, Kilkenny.  kilkennydesign.com


PAX Wholefoods and Eco Goods, 9 Market Lane, Westport. Pax Whole Foods & Eco Goods

The Mood Designs, Derryharriff South, Castlebar, F23PX3. themooddesigns.ie

Caffrey’s Gallery, Garden Street, Ballina. caffreysgallery.ie


Shine Craft & Gift Shop, 3 Newgrange Mall, Slane. discoverboynevalley.ie/plan-your-visit/things-to-do/shine-craft-and-gift-shop

Earls kitchen, Old Cornmarket, Navan. earlskitchen.com

Cult Zero, Unit 1, Emmet Street, Trim. cultzero.ie


Evergreen Healthfood Stores, Galway. evergreen.ie

Kylemore Abbey, Kylemore, Connemara, H91 VR90. kylemoreabbey.com

Sullivan’s Country Grocer, Main Street, Oughterard. sullivanscountryliving.com

Thyme Glas, Main Street, Spiddal Village. facebook.com/ThymeGlas

White Gables, Moycullen Village. whitegables.com


Castlewood Farm, Durrow, Co Laois. castlewoodfarm.ie

The Red Door Gift Shop, Main Street, Abbeyleix. facebook.com/thereddoorgiftshop/


The Nature Trail Shop, Riverside, Ballinamore. thenaturetrailhealthshop.ie


To be confirmed


Glasson Craft Gallery, Glasson Village, Athlone, N37 HK18. glassoncraft.ie

Ogham Wish, Clay Pipe Visitor Centre, Main St, Knockcroghery. oghamwish.com

Cunningham’s Pharmacy, Unit 2b Block C, Rivervillage, Monksland, Athlone. cunninghamspharmacy.com


Kate’s Kitchen, Castle Street, Sligo. kateskitchen.ie

The Cat & the Moon, Castle Street, Sligo. thecatandthemoon.ie

Made in Sligo, Rachel Quinn Ceramics. rachelquinnceramics.com


Ardkeen Quality Food Store, Dunmore Road, Waterford. ardkeen.com

Quinn’s Foodstore, Ardmore, Youghal, P36PX54. facebook.com/people/Quinns-Foodstore


The Bastion Gallery, 6 Bastion Street, Athlone. bastiongallery.com


Krafted,  Wells House & Gardens, Ballyedmond, Gorey, Y25CF96. Krafted.ie

Tara Hill Honey, Tara Hill, Gorey. tarahillhoney.ie


The Home Store, Main Street, Blessington. thehomestore.ie

An Tairseach Organic Farm & Shop, Kilmantin Hill, Wicklow Town, A67 YX26. antairseach.ie

Beyond the Trees Avondale, Avondale Forest Park, Rathdrum, A67 P303. beyondthetreesavondale.com/treetop-walk

Northern Ireland​

Blue Beans, 67 Main Street, Castlewellan, Co Down BT31 9DQ. http://www.bluebeanscraft.co.uk/

Online Stores​

Irish Peatland Conservation Council. www.ipcc.ie


Klein & Fein, Rupertgasse 9, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

NU Market & Coffee, 19 Plaça del Progrés, 07013 Palma, Spain. facebook.com/Numarketpalma

USA & Canada​

Sassafras on Main, 196 N Main Street, Waynesville, North Carolina, USA. sassafraspost.com/locations/sassafras-on-main

Swallowtail Farm, 98 Main Street, Whitefield, Maine 04353, USA. sheltonsmarket.com

Shelton’s Natural Foods Market & Deli, 428 Center Street, Healdsburg, California, USA. sheltonsmarket.com

Ravenwood Meadery, 2211 Seminole Drive Southwest, Studio 2069, Huntsville, Alabama, USA. facebook.com/ravenwoodmeadery

Cici ‘n Tux, 707 East Broadway, Glendale, California, USA. cicintux.com

Hill House Shop, 12740 HWY 42, Gills Rock, Wisconsin. hillhouse-shop.com

Well Made Dahlonega, 98 Public Square North, Dahlonega, Georgia, USA. instagram.com/wellmadedahlonega/

Mattituck Florist, 95 Love Lane, Mattituck, New York, USA. mattituckflorist.com

The Pearl and Fin Boutique, 2542 NE Myrtle Street, Jensen beach, Florida 34957, USA.

Holistic Jawn, 1218 N. 29th Street, Philadelphia 19079, USA. HolisticJawn.com

The Flower Shop of Westfield, 1120 South Avenue West, Westfield, New Jersey 07090, USA. www.theflowershopnj.com

Chelsea Dry Goods, 2 Main Street, Hastings-on-Hudson , New York 10706. chelseadrygoods.com

Apples to Oranges, 204 East Main Street, Silverton, Oregon 97381, USA. applestooranges.net

OMO The Apothecary, 7 Wharf Street, Sag Harbour, New York, USA. openmindedorganics.com

James Monroe’s Highland, 2050 James Monroe Parkway, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902. highland.org

Country Sweets, 306 Stone Str, Wrens, Georgia 30833. countrysweets.shop

Whimsical Vintage Creations, 3919 49 Avenue, Bay 101, Stony Plain AB T7Z 2J7, Canada. facebook.com/whimsicalvintagecreations

Celtic Aer, 1137 East Main Street, Shrub Oak, New York 10588. celticaer.com

Sullivan’s Irish Alley, 104 East Main Street, Flushing, Michigan 48433. celticalley.com

Oxford Hall Celtic Shop, 233 Bridge Street, New Cumberland, Pennsylvania. oxfordhall.com 

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