It is really straight forward to make syrup. Beginners often think it is complicated, because we’re talking about ratios and different sugars and different feeders. But it is dead simple.
BEEKEEPING TIP: How to Make Syrup for Bees
How to Feed Bees in Autumn – Beginner’s Guide
All honeybee colonies must have adequate stores to last them over winter. Navigating the delicate balance between overfeeding and underfeeding during the pivotal autumn season can be tricky for beginner beekeepers. This guide provides a compass for novice beekeepers for if and how to feed bees in autumn so they can survive the challenges of winter.
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Are Blackberry Brambles Good for Bees?
If you’ve passed a hedgerow in August, you would not fail to notice that the blackberries. I love picking and eating handfuls of sun warmed blackberries while out beekeeping to keep the energy levels up. But did you know that Blackberries or brambles are extremely good for honey bees and other pollinators?
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Why is Local Honey So Expensive Compared to Imported Supermarket Honey?
As a beekeeper, I often hear this question: why is local honey so expensive compared to supermarket honey? How is it that you can have two nearly identical jars of honey, one imported supermarket honey sold for less than €3, and one local honey sold for three times as much? To get to the bottom of this, the question really needs to be turned on its head. Rather than asking why local honey is so expensive, we need to ask: why is imported honey so cheap?
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BEEKEEPING TIP: What to do With Old Brood Frames
Go through every box of frames and scrape the propolis of the lugs. Assess each frame and place in the appropriate pile. Frames that belong in the good pile are those that can be put straight into a hive next season, both foundation and drawn comb…
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BEE-SPLAINING: Is It True You Should Never Use Metal Spoons with Honey?
I am often asked if it is true that you should never use metal spoons with honey. There’s a widespread belief that honey should never come into contact with metal. Some people are even insisting that only wooden utensils should be used. But where does this idea come from, and is there any truth to …
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BEEKEEPING TIP: How to Set up a Colony for Ivy Honey Production
Ivy honey is great. If you can get it. It’s also a pain in the backside because it granulates in the comb and takes forever to process due to its high glucose content. But for sore throats, coughs and respiratory health, it’s absolute dynamite! In this practical blog, we’ll look at how best to set …
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Why White Clover is the Best Clover for Honeybees
White clover is renowned as the best clover for honeybees, but it only yields nectar under ideal conditions. Have you ever noticed a field or lawn blanketed in white clover yet observed only a few bumblebees and no honeybees visiting the flowers? That’s because honeybees require the right temperature to access the nectar. Why the …
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Wasp, Bumblebee or Honeybee? How to Tell the Difference
Every year, as autumn approaches, we get a lot of queries about bees that are not bees but turn out to be wasps. Concerned homeowners discover these ‘bees’ in their gardens, often in garden sheds and outhouses, compost bins, in the ground, and also in attics. Many want to know how to get rid of …